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The reason why Christians tell people about Jesus is because they are instructed by Bible to do so.

Also the reason why Christians tell many about Jesus is because they don't want anyone to fall into 

Hell. Many people walking the Earth don't know there is a fire burning hell awaiting anyone who 

commits sin. So Christians go out to warn the people and speak to people about Jesus. Jesus is the 

only one whom can stop people from falling into the fiery pit.  Many 

people reject others that tell them about Jesus. When you reject Jesus message you reject him

and his plans on giving you a beautiful life in Heaven. Truth of the matter is, he loves you so much and he wants

The best for all of his children. Jesus holds the key to Heaven and he decides who get's in Heaven.

Hell is a real torturing fire place it's where the devil and demons resides. The bible speaks of it being

a lake of fire. Also the bible states the fire never goes out in hell. Many who have seen it states that demons

Look as monsters from the horror movies. My question to you is why would anyone want to fall in this place of torment ?

That why it is important to get saved and follow Jesus and pray and ask for forgiveness.

Please remember as a person following Christ you must get saved or born-again ask God for forgiveness daily, refrain from anything that is a sin.